Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nurse With Wound & Stereolab - "Crumb Duck"

My favorite aspect of this collaboration is that the finished product feels nothing like the parts combined.

Nurse With Wound was originally asked by Stereolab to produce their first album, to which Steven Stapleton apparently said something along the lines of "Nope. Too rock." Stereolab eventually got a remix out of Stapleton, along with this oft-forgotten gem of an EP. Behold, "CRUMB DUCK!"

If you've read any of the descriptions of the music posts I've put up, you must be sick of my "sounds like (insert kraut band)," but this one's special. "Animal or Vegetable..." is the closest channeling of Faust's "Rainy Day Sunshine Girl" I've ever heard. Add a bit of tape manipulation and fuzz bass/heavy drums and you've got yourself a KRAUTROCK JAM. "A New Dress" is one of the creepiest story-songs I've ever heard. To top it all off, "Steel Drum" features some expert channel fading to throw you for a loop during intense headphones-listening.

Flip your lid here.


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