Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ichiyanagi, Ranta, Kosugi - Improvisation Sep 75


Okay, so these three men were apparently the cream-a-la-crop for Japanese experimental music in the 70's - they had close ties with john cage, harry partch, the fluxus movement, and everything great under the sun. Ichiyanagi is a hugely revered composer whose mindwarping "Opera from the Works of Tadanori Yokoo" (found here) was a milestone in experimental composing. Takehisa Kosugi is a member of one of my all time fav drone/ambient groups Taj Mahal Travelers (August 1974 found here) - a group whose sound derives from some ghostly japanese folklore set in a black forrest. Michael Ranta is part of the NWW-endorsed group, Wired, whose sound isn't that far from Taj Mahal.

So I was pretty thrilled to come across this one - it's a true rattler that comes together if you let your imagination take over. percussives pounce and patter in and out, sounds stretch out in such a dubious way it sounds as if you've partaken in some magnificent foreign ritual . its a ride.

Get it here

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